Monday, February 6, 2012

Yarn Therapy

Crocheting Has a Positive Effect on Your Health:
  • Reduces Stress
  • Slows Heart Rate and Breathing
  • Stimulates the Brain and Increases Concentration
  • Reduces Anxiety and Frustration
I have read this in various magazines over the years and even inside a crochet kit I once bought. And I am a firm believer in the many benefits of brewing a good cup of tea, sitting in a nice comfy chair, propping up your feet and partaking in some serious yarn therapy, whether it be a crochet hook or a pair of knitting needles in your hands. I go for whichever the mood of the day dictates! And believe me, it helps get me through the day! Each stitch calms me when I need it and gives me a sense of all over serenity. It also connects me one stitch at a time to the rest of my day, the rest of what I need to accomplish. Just a few stitches here and there throughout the day can keep me getting through my housework better usually than a whole day with  no yarn in hand. I just simply reach a point where I must take a break in things and feel the yarn gliding and slipping through my fingers, the sureness of the hook or needle digging into the next stitch and going forward, the magic of something beautiful taking shape in my hands that didn't exist before....  I LOVE it all! I even love the smell of the yarn.What can I say? I'm an addict!
In March of 2000 I was forced to leave a banking job after being diagnosed with Systemic Lupus. I also have Rheumatoid Arthritis. Over the last few years I have had a roller coaster ride. This last year being especially difficult. My RA decided to get worse and the doctor put me on a weekly chemotherapy medication last Spring that took quite a bit of adusting to. My white blood cell count already runs low due to disease activity and now my immune system is even more compromised from the medication. During the Winter I am practically reclusive as I avoid large groups of people in the height of flu season. This is hard for me since I am a people person. Let me just say ~ YARN IS A VERY IMPORTANT PART OF MY DAY! I will say, along with the medication the doctor also ordered me to "keep knitting" because it really is good for the arhtritis in my hands. So there! I have doctors orders to play with yarn!!!
 Then in the late summer my husband was dianosed with pancreatic cancer. He had a major surgery, removing 60% of his pancreas, his spleen & a soft ball sized cancerous tumor. He finished radiation treatments 4 weeks ago and is miraculoulsy doing very well. God is more than good! And we Praise Him.
Throughout all of this, my yarn therapy has kept my sanity, given my hands something to do when my mind won't let me sleep, and comforted me while I spent 6 days and nights in a hospital room with a very sick husband.
 I had no idea nearly 30 years ago, at the age of 18, when the receptionist at the beauty salon I worked at taught me to crochet what she was actually doing for me. I learned to knit about 4 years later and my love of both have been an absolute life line for me always.
 There are times when I have too much pain and have to go a day or a few without my yarn work {which I HATE} and I sleep in therapeutic gloves and I rest and take extra anti~inflammatory's and I have one goal in mind... I MUST GET BETTER... I MUST BE ABLE TO KNIT OR CROCHET.  And it always works out again. I still have a hard time pacing myself. But the gentle art of knitting and crocheting truly have been very therapeutic for me and have taught me how to slow down and just BREATHE. 
Anyway, over the weekend I put some yarn therapy to good use on a pretty little crocheted baby blanket for my cousin's daughter who is expecting her first baby in March. This will be my cousin's first time to be a grandma and, needless to say, she can't wait! And as we all know baby boy things are harder to come up with. I love crocheted baby blankets. I chose this pattern due to its simplicity, hoping it would make it look more like a little man blankie. Due to the very nature of crochet it's so lacy that it so often ends up looking girlie. I like this one though and think the nice fern green yarn helps to man it up a bit.

*The photo at the top shows my daughter's kitty, Scout, laying on the folded blankie. Every time I laid this down, while in process all weekend long, she piled herself on top of it. She was quite delighted with the finished product!


  1. Sorry to hear about your physical problems. God is good! That's neat that you've been able to find relaxation in working with your yarn.
    Mine is paper and glue!

  2. God always gives us an outlet doesn't He? Have a happy week Brenda!

  3. Hi Danette,

    I am so sorry to hear about all the illness in your family.

    Isn't it wonderful to have something like crochet to fill in the spots in the day? I know what you mean about feeling better once you've hooked a few stitches here and there. It helps my sanity sometimes.
    And I'm sure God is a crocheter - and heaven is one big yarn shop!

    I find the blogging to be a bit like crochet sometimes, in that, when you can't be around physical people, you can still connect with others, and with similar interests.

    So, we can have a 'virtual cup of tea' together, and stitch a bit.

    Good to catch up with you today.


    1. Thanks Fi! I hopped over to your blogs just now to catch up with you too! Love your stuff as always! And I agree, blogging helps so much. I blogged a few years ago then quit and decided just recently it might be just what I needed again. I think I was right! I do so love the virtual cup of tea and stitching together!
      Thanks for the visit!
      Happy Days to You!

  4. So glad to hear that you both are on the mend. Yarn is always a good remedy for anything in my book. Love the blanket. I know the new baby will love it. :)

  5. Kar ~ Hello Old Friend! I know you believe in yarn therapy too! And thank you ~ we are doing well. Scott sees one doctor today for blood work & oncologist tomorrow. Both just routine check ups. They all say he is doing miraculously great! We're going to go with that!!! I will be giving the blankie to the expectant mommy at a shower this weekend.
    Have a great day in your Down Home Bliss!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Eugenia ~ how very sweet! I just visited your lovely blog and will be dropping by on a regular basis new friend!

  7. it's amazing how motivating and comforting crafting can be, I agree that it really helps when things are difficult or health is not great. So glad that you can do it!

    1. Thank you Julie ~ me too! You have a great day and thanks so much for taking time to visit with me!


Thank you for taking time to chat with me ~
Your comments make me so Happy!
Have a lovely day.