I just finished another
Baby Shell Cardigan.
Remember the red one I crocheted in late Summer?
Here it is again in teal.
With white pearly buttons.
This one is a custom order.
A friend is happily awaiting a new granddaughter.
I little one who will be named after her.
So she ordered a sweater and hat set for
Baby Catherine.
I think this baby bonnet is a perfect match with the sweater,
though the patterns are not created by the same designer.
Something about a sweet little baby head
showing through the back of the bonnet
makes me practically swoon.
We thought teal would be nice
because we are sure she will get
plenty of pink
from others.
And my current project should be done in a jiffy...
another pair of fingerless mitts!
My daughters and sister just love
the darn things.
They like them in any pattern
and any color.
So they make nice Christmas gifts every year.
And one final note~
I have a sick little fella.
Jose' will be 12 in February.
He weighs 3 pounds and is quite fragile.
He has an enlarged heart, inflammatory bowel disease and seizure disorder.
On Sunday night he started having seizures close together.
Usually he will have one and then maybe another one in a couple of weeks.
Then he will go a year or more without any.
So Sunday and Monday were quite alarming.
We saw our vet {who is WONDERFUL}
first thing Monday morning.
It was discovered he is very hypoglycemic.
I was instructed to feed him every hour on Monday until bedtime
to see if raising his blood sugar would stop the seizures.
He is still eating every couple of hours,
and LOVING it I might add.
Mommy is giving him rice and eggs for now.
Way better than that colorless, odorless
tasteless hypoallergenic doggie stuff
he is used to!
He is perking up and has not had a seizure since 8p.m. Monday.
We go to the vet again on Friday
for another little paw prick.
Wish us luck!
And WELCOME to my newest blog follower ~ Pooch.
I look forward to getting to know you here :)))
And WELCOME to my newest blog follower ~ Pooch.
I look forward to getting to know you here :)))