I've been doing a lot of thinking about just exactly what this word,
or shall we say this whole concept, really means.
This is what a dictionary has to say about this elusive word/state of being:
plainness of style,
lack of pride,
freedom from deceit,
freedom from complexity,
simplicity of expression,
absence of pretentiousness,
Well now.
So very simple and yet mighty profound.
There's a whole lot going on in that word.
Things I'd like to be a part of or shall we say ...
Things I'd like to be a part of me.
Things I'd like to be a part of me.
Notice there's some freedom involved too.
Jesus knew all about simplicity...
"Feed My sheep."
"And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones..."
"Love one another."
"Love one another."
He knew it was all about meeting people right where they were
at that very moment.
He still knows that.
I watched Him do it for hours through the amazing staff
and volunteers of the Peoria Cancer Center on Tuesday.
Although nobody ever wants to find themselves in a cancer center,
I have to say I was completely blessed by the entire experience.
The love and care they give to each and every patient is hard to describe.
They are not just working, they are ministering.
What they are really doing is quite simply feeding sheep and giving cups of water.
Their days are defined by the simple act of "love one another".
Their days are defined by the simple act of "love one another".
Not only are they starting IV's but they are constantly wrapping people in
warm blankets, kind words, soft touches and sweet smiles.
The volunteers provide a continual feast of food and drink as well.
We were there for just over four hours while they did blood work
on Bridget and discovered she was dehydrated.
on Bridget and discovered she was dehydrated.
When she realized it would take two hours to be hydrated
she tried to tell them no.
she tried to tell them no.
She was concerned because her mother and sister were with her
and she felt like that was too long of a wait for us.
and she felt like that was too long of a wait for us.
Ummm.... "No....That's what we're here for ... to let them take care of you,
no matter how long it takes."
We didn't care if it took all day long.
I told her that's why I brought my knitting along, so stop trying to get out of it.
I was so thankful to be there with her.
So happy to get her a drink of hot water
So happy to get her a drink of hot water
to warm herself when she couldn't get up.
And to adjust a pillow behind her back when she got sore from sitting so long.
Just being there, the three of us together, made the time go easier for her.
She also had to learn to self inject Vitamin B while we were there.
No biggie as she used to be a phlebotomist and is very good with a needle.
We still have no diagnosis but should have in a couple of weeks.
She has some more testing to go through.
It's all pointing to a blood cancer of some sort.
For all she's going through,
Bridget says she feels the peace of God on her.
She has no fear.
I think she might just have this whole simplicity thing figured out.
True simplicity of the heart and soul.
Although I wasn't able to be with her for her first visit to the cancer center
because I was too sick with bronchitis,
I have to tell you just a little bit about that experience as well.
There's a wonderful husband and wife who volunteer there.
The wife is a breast cancer survivor.
As soon as Bridget stepped inside the building they could see she was cold.
It was very rainy and unseasonably chilly that day.
The man came running with a heated blanket and wrapped her in it.
Once she sat down he proceeded to swaddle her in two more heated blankets.
Then along came his wife who sat with her and prayed with her.
After talking with her for quite some time she left for a short bit then came back.
She gave her this crocheted blanket from the donations telling her
she knew it was made just for her.
I can't even tell you how this blessed my sister.
This blanket is never far from her now.
She even took it back with her on her second trip. It's very cold in that building.
It also blessed me beyond measure to know that God had someone
taking such exceptional care of my sister and mother on a day I could not.
It also blessed me beyond measure to know that God had someone
taking such exceptional care of my sister and mother on a day I could not.
I think it has a whole lot to do with love.
I think it's when the very smallest things become the greatest things.
Small, simple things that we give so freely of ourselves to others.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication."
Leonardo DaVinci
What a beautiful post, Danette. Wow. Such good people.
ReplyDeleteThank you my friend. And yes, they truly are.
DeleteIt's an awesome sight just to watch them and soak it all up.
oh wow, how wonderful to be a witness to such great care for Bridget, and to give such good care. Truly these are the moments where the simplicity is all the more glorious. And that blanket- so serendipitous!
ReplyDeleteEven in our most difficult times God's mercies are new every day and He shows His love for us in such simple and basic ways. I'm so thankful for my sister and for the love and care she is receiving.
DeleteThis is truly a beautiful post and one of my favorite. Its very inspirational. It truly makes me want to be a better person.
ReplyDeleteOh Kathy... they don't come much better than you... You know how I love you... but thank you, my cousin... my sister of the heart...
DeleteOh, Danette, thank the Lord there are still such wonderful, caring people in the world. What a blessing the husband and wife team must be for your sister and all of you really. I'll add your sister to may prayer list.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely evening,
Thank you so very much my Sweet Friend Toni. And yes, there are still some amazing people in this world. Just being there to experience that atmosphere is unforgettable. You have a lovely evening as well,
What a beautiful post. Thanks for coming by my blog, so I'd have a chance to meet you.
ReplyDeleteThank you Deborah. I love your blog!
DeleteI missed this post Dannette, blessing to all of you.
Thanks Meredith. Life is a constant journey my friend.
DeleteBut God is Good, all the time and He has the answers so we don't have to ...